February 14, 2010

♥ Owners of Loney Hearts }}

i am sick. i always seem to mention that whenever i get to blogging...anyway, i'm in seoul and i went to my uncle's place to celebrate the lunar new year. i haven't seen him in a very long time and i didn't know more than half of my extended family (seeing as most of my cousins are mostly ten or more years older than me on my mom's side), especially since most of them had spouses and children. the highlight of my time there, besides the food and money, was watching the olympics' speed skating and discovering J.R. CELSKI. OH SHE-IT. he is so adorable. i can't believe he's nineteen and half filipino (we have a commonality! i seriously think that's a major reason why he's so cute). i kinda totally forgot about him, but stuff on the facebook reminded me to look up this character.

ahhh!! don't you just want to hug and do other cutesy things i can't think of with him??!!?! i knows i does. i wonder if he'll show up more on the olympics..that thought really makes me want to watch more of it.

carrying on! i had a nice time with my relatives...my cousin is so nice!! he took me to eat at tasty places and to historical/interesting locales. i kinda feel so horrible that all the people in know there just fed me, bought me stuff, and gave me money...it makes me feel like such a freeloader. i have to plan to do some good payback when i have the time in the future.
lastly, happy valentine's day. this may be on the wrong date, but, whatever. it's around the time i normally post stupid stuff (sans the j.r. bit).

1 comment:

elwes said...

that is funny, stupid shit.