April 23, 2012


i spent the last weekend in illinois. it felt disturbingly foreign. i mean, yes, that is my homeland, the only place that matters, where over 65% of my immediate family reside, the only place i've ever been that matters to me, but i got a sick sensation when i landed. i don;t know exactly why that happened...kind of like purging my body of where i was for the past 13 years and making me pure again.

i hope that's the reason why i felt so displaced.

waiting in the terminals at lax


the whole weekend trip was optimally enjoyable; i like seeing family, especially family that i grew up and partied hard with. the surprise birthday thing that had a free open bar=fun. talking about stuff=fun. visiting the places forever engrained in my memories (or..passed down biologically)=..not so fun, leaving me awe-stricken at the changes. Um. I went to this Bass Pro Store and it was amazing inside..I mean, I couldn't fathom how cool it was going to be despite my disdain for outdoor activities (curse you, into the wild!!). 

Here are some of the things you can find in your local store:



and here is a cat at my cousin's house that would not get off my bed. it always snuck into my room and claimed the bed as its official nap spot. i was kind of pissed...


and then there was this:


Some things from my journey to "the city" (when did that holy reference com into being?):




it was a surprisingly nice day.

Etc. oddities/items of amusement/interesting bits:


And my last night there I went with my younger cousins to "rage", as they say in the 'burbs. ...i have not blown that much since high school.
the ultimate downside of this journey was suffering the scourge of tiredness.
ie: homework was not touched.

the next time i talk about this sort of event going on, i'll be middle-aged with two or three kids and a shit job. But at least I'll have my frapanese scotsman, I'll be right pissed it I don't.

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